Wow I resonate with this so much. I burned out hard from my business several years ago and I’m still recovering. Starting work again, I’m experimenting with so many of the same strategies as you - being okay with biweekly newsletters (this is a hard reflex to release and since I don’t have kids, weekly does feel fine. It’s just that if I’m tired, I don’t want to push), lots of space for walks, rest, yoga nidra, laying in the sun. Balancing creative work and health can feel precarious because of how easily creative work consumes us. I have to constantly remind myself that my health matters more, and that letting work breathe is more productive than pushing through to get it done. Anyway, enjoy Paris! The best city! Would love to hear about your travels if you end up writing about it. ♥️

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I am struggling with this so much re: my chronic illness. I’m not even working right now, but I’m taking a two year course that will result in a big career shift, plus writing my newsletter here, doing chores, etc. It’s amazing how intentional you have to be about rest and joy even when you don’t have kids or a job.

Have a great trip!

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I came to a very similar realisation about two hours ago, that when I feel uninspired in my business, it’s so often because I’m not carving out time to enjoy and connect with the things which inspire me ✨

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