I really appreciate this post and your honesty and transparency about this Jen. I feel like there’s something particularly seasonal about pressure to be busy and produce and be ‘out there’ in summer time (which is particularly challenging if you have conditions exasperated by heat! )

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Thank you for writing this post 🫶🏼 I wish I'd seen more of this way back when I started building my business and freelancing.

It's hard to find business owners openly discussing having time off. Unless it's for an annual summer holiday or around christmas. But I've always loved how your approach revolves around rest and spaciousness and listening to those whispers.

It's given me permission to build more time off in my own business vision, like LOTS of free time. I may not be there yet but I can't wait to get to that point. And hoping you have a lovely week of rest 💛

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Jen, thank you so much for sharing this so honestly. I agree that it is tempting to push past the whispers… but this is when we have the power to do something about it before it becomes screams. I’ve also been taking a slower week, noticing some of my own amber flags. It can feel indulgent, but is so important if I’m going to continue pouring into others. I don’t work in an office anymore, so I have the flexibility to do this. I am so, so grateful. I hope you enjoy your week of rest, and manage to reset some of those whispers 🥰

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Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I happen to work for a gem of a boss in a large, progressive nonprofit. I live with a genetic catastrophic illness that is currently terminal (although that may change as a result of the clinical trial in which I participate). I also live with manic depression. I have been institutionalized five times. When my boss noticed that I was struggling she talked to me about time off. She gave me permission to stop and ask myself the questions you asked yourself. The answer was that I could not recover my mental wellbeing unless I actively tended to it. Currently I'm on three months short-term disability. My boss and physician insisted on it. I feel guilt and shame. Reading your post lifted some of that, at least for this moment. You reminded me that others have similar feelings, similar needs, that my condition is a human condition and does not warrant guilt or shame. Thank you. May you feel better soon. May all of us.

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