Jen, I read this last night after a really difficult day. Your words made me cry, gave me permission to look after myself and then gave me hope for another day. Sometimes, we don't know of the impact we have on someone else, unless they're willing to share it. Here's me, letting you know that even when you were feeling so unwell, your efforts in writing this piece and sharing so vulnerably, meant that your words reached out to me and helped me. Thank you so much x

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Katie, this is so kind. Thank you for sharing this - I worried yesterday if this was 'too much' but something just felt right to share it. Honoured it could connect with you and I'm so sorry yesterday was a difficult day for you 💛

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Thank you, Jen. I also told my neighbour about your words and the Cheryl Strayed quote - she said it had really helped her and she was going to hold onto it as she navigates her own chronic illness. We really never do know where the ripples of our words flow to. I hope that today has been a better day for you too and that you're still 'playing the hell out of your cards' with compassion for yourself x

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Oof, thanks for sharing this. I woke up feeling sad this morning as well. Still trying to navigate the stark transition from pro athlete to chronic health condition, with an inability to be even a fraction as active as I was a year ago, much less nearly 4 years ago when this all started. It’s a lot sometimes, especially after those nights I dream of my former self. Thanks for reminding those of us in a similar boat that we’re not alone. 🙏🏽

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I'm so sorry you're going through this Eliza, it's so damn hard isn't it. I'm so glad this helped you feel less alone and here's hoping for some good health days ahead for us both 💛

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Thank you for this text! I'm reading through it as my migraine is getting worse, but I'm in comfy clothes, I can hear birds singing outside, and my cats stop by to stop my pity party. These bad days suck so much, but the words and the sharing help. 💙

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Thanks for being so honest and open Jen! I'm so sorry for what you're going through and appreciate the vulnerable share and reminder.

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I write this from the couch after my second nap today, in pain and frustrated: thank you. xo

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Sending you so much love and hope for better, less painful, days ahead 💛

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